Speaker – Steve Miska



Director, First Amendment Voice
Steve Miska directs the First Amendment Voice program on behalf of Global Peace Foundation and is the founder of Servant, Leader, Citizen Consulting. He retired in 2015 after 25 years of service in the military where he swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. He has taught at both the undergraduate level at West Point and the graduate level at Marine Corps University.  Previously, he served in the White House as a Director for Iraq on the National Security Council. He has published numerous articles, most recently on protecting local allies during conflict and has spoken on Iraq based threats at the Defense Intelligence Agency, RAND, and numerous media outlets and think tanks. He holds degrees from Cornell University, National Defense University and West Point and is a member of the Pacific Council on International Policy. He also serves on the advisory boards of nonprofits including No One Left Behind, IRAP, and the i5 Freedom Network. Steve has a wife of 25 years, and they have raised two conscientious citizens, Rob and Heather.