A 3-part “Train the Trainers” presentation was provided to a group of 30 leaders, mainly clergy, in Los Angeles, CA on June 15, 2016. The 4-hour event was hosted by Bishop Mendez of Churches in Action at a local church, Phillips Temple CME Church, Los Angeles, and presented by Alan Inman, Paul Murray, and Steve Miska. The attendees, made up of a multi-cultural background, represented LA communities.
The session was opened by our host with prayer and a welcome. Steve provided an overview of FAV, and Izzy Ortega introduced the idea of E. Pluribus Unum, explaining why the founding principles were relevant to immigrant communities in the United States. The first presentation entitled, “This Far by Faith,” was presented by Mr. Inman. Alan highlighted significant facts and historical revelations regarding the founders, faith leaders, and African Americans in this journey of America. A foundation of the Constitution and in particular the First Amendment was presented during this session.
Dr. Murray presented the second presentation, “A Clear and Present Danger”. His presentation brought forth the many attacks against religious liberties across our nation and in particular against clergy and people of faith who have been attacked because they have spoken or written about Biblical standards. He also presented how individuals and a growing network can address such attacks and protect the religious rights of all people regardless of faith. Dr. Murray kept the discussion interactive as numerous people asked questions or provided their perspective prior to breaking for lunch.