To honor the life and legacy of Edward D. Lowry (1944-2019) by recognizing outstanding civic engagement and encouraging citizens to serve others and engage on issues of importance in their communities.
In March 2020, FAV announced the intention to present the Edward D. Lowry Memorial Award for Citizenship annually. On May 21st, 2021, FAV hosted the inaugural Edward D. Lowry Award for Citizenship. On February 19th, 2024, FAV will host an Awards Dinner alongside the Annual Symposium at which the Ed Lowry Award will be presented.

A man who worked graciously with people from many ideologies in order to solve important problems in the community, Ed instilled in us that everyone has something to give, no matter where they came from. Ed was never above sitting down and having a conversation and learning from someone from a different walk of life and truly valuing what they had to say.
We are seeking nominees for the Ed Lowry award to be presented at the awards dinner for First Amendment Voice. Instructions/Requirements for nominations are below:
The Awards Dinner will be taking place alongside our annual Symposium on February 19th, 2024 at the National Union Building in Washington, D.C.
Nominees Must Exhibit the Following Traits:
- Relentless service to others
- Willingness to work across ideological boundaries for the common good
- A fearless advocate of the First Amendment principles
- Overcomes setbacks; strives in the face of adversity
- Exhibits results-oriented strategic thinking
- Inspires others to give of time, talent, or treasure
- Consummate networking to connect organizations & people for community impact
Please send all nominations to: [email protected]
Each nomination should include:
a 500 word narrative on why the nominee best exemplifies the criteria
title your email: Lowry Award nomination
nominators should provide their name, relationship to the nominee, and contact information
All nominees will receive a free ticket to our awards dinner on February 19th, 2024
All nominators will receive 50% off of a single ticket for the awards dinner
The deadline for submitting nominees is November 19, 2023
Winners receive Lifetime Membership to First Amendement Voice and VIP access to all future National Symposia.
FAV’s blog writer, Kelly Kehoe, and communications coordinator, Haley Henderson, sat down with Stephanie Antkowiak, who won the Edward Lowry Memorial Award for Citizenship last year, to discuss the impact of winning the award on her work in the last year.