Our Opportunity to Move Forward Together
By Councilmember Chris Duncan Reprinted with permission from Chris Duncan. This article originally was printed in San Clemente Times, (March 4, 2021). Our natural instinct in these times is to find like-minded souls to take us in, assuage our self-doubt, and tell us...
Lessons on overcoming adversity after one year of the pandemic
One of the qualities encapsulated in First Amendment Voice's Ed Lowry Memorial Award for Citizenship is a person's ability to overcome setbacks and strive on in the face of adversity. Many of us are no strangers to adversity, especially after one of the most...
Does the First Amendment cover citizen journalists?
Citizen journalists: are they protected under the First Amendment?
Honoring Black History Month
Dear FAV Community, In honor of Black History Month, I thought it would be appropriate for FAV to emphasize the impact of African American leaders. They represent one third of our Board of Directors, Advisory Council members, Symposium speakers and many of our...
3 proven ways to stay calm in a heated argument
Arguments don’t need to be inherently upsetting and uncomfortable. These 3 strategies can help you keep a level head (even if the other person doesn’t).
Announcing the Ed Lowry Memorial Award for Citizenship
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPM553kJESI We at FAV are pleased to announce that we will be awarding the Ed Lowry Memorial Award for Citizenship starting this year. Purpose Honor the life and legacy of Edward D. Lowry by recognizing outstanding civic engagement and...
What free speech limitations exist in other countries?
What do Sweden, Japan and South Africa have in common with the United States’ free speech laws? How do these countries freedom of expression laws differ?
Reflections on Martin Luther King Jr. Day
FAV Community, On this day, I reflected about the struggles of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and other civil rights advocates decades ago, realizing how much we have yet to achieve. I recall how even in combat in Iraq, we took time to pause on this day, considering the...
First Amendment Voice Statement on Post-election Political Violence
January 15, 2021 SAN CLEMENTE, CA — First Amendment Voice stands with the many voices raised against the political violence at the Capitol building and other areas around the country on January 6th. While we steadfastly champion freedoms of expression, assembly and...
Not just ‘identity politics’ – How our social identities subconsciously influence our political attitudes and actions
The US is in the midst of another pandemic, one of rampant political polarization. To bridge divides and overcome conflict, we must recognize how our social identities influence our attitudes and behaviors.
Tuned In but Burned Out: Trapped in a 24/7 News Cycle
Has "breaking news" lost all its meaning in a 24/7 news cycle? Let’s look more closely at some of the implications facing freedom of the press today.
What is motivated reasoning and how does it interfere with constructive discourse?
Motivated reasoning can be toxic for constructive discourse, especially if feelings get in the way of assessing information.